Monday, December 24, 2007

Do's and Don't's

-Bring a light blanket from home, lightly scented of your room or perfume/cologne. It was so nice to smell what I smelled like when I was clean, and to have a little home reminder in the hospital.
-hand sanitizer (I wasn't able to wash my hands for a long time, and it felt disgusting.)
-spray-in shampoo (even though when we put it on me it made me feel sick... try it before hand to make sure you don't get annoyed/overwhelmed with the odor.)
-a variety of movies, but mostly mushy easy stuff. My brain wasn't able to handle any movie that was too intense, so it's best to stay light and fluffy.
-Chapstick chapstick chapstick... lips get really dry.
-a toothbrush and toothpaste are great for the 3rd 4th and 5th days when you are IVless.

-Bring any books. You will not want to read.
-Bring crocheting or any bulky craft. You will be so tired from walking and drugs, its just not worth it.
-Over schedule visitors. They are nice, but when you are dog-tired, you don't want to entertain.
-Try to play the 'Pain Hero'. If you hurt, tell someone.
-EVER forget to thank the nurses. They are so caring anyways, it is important to let them know you are appreciative of their help. (Plus, they are even nicer to grateful people.)

Today I got into bed on my own, which was a massive achievement. I can't get out of bed on my own, but I can now get in on my own!
AND I successfully got to go to the bathroom, in and out of a wheelchair, used my crutches and my walker all without help. I felt awesome. :)

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